Support for Communities

Families and communities are a vital support system to the young girls we sponsor; as such, we maintain continued interactions and engagement with their families and communities wherever possible. This ensures that the girls we work with are in environments that allow them to learn and foster their growth. Our hope is that the young girls we work with are able to invest their learning back into their families and communities.

Beyond sponsorship, our campaigns ensure that we are able to reach young girls in grass-root communities. While most of the girls we speak to may not have immediate female mentors that they can look up to or see breaking societal barriers, our volunteers embody what it is to be an educated, successful, and empowered young woman. Our team of amazing volunteers speak to these young girls, sharing their educational and career paths and how they have come to be at this stage of their lives, the opportunities that are available to them as women, and answer a whole range of questions. Since 2018 we have spoken to over 500 young girls across 8 communities.

Our mission is to build a community that embodies career growth and progression, empowerment, mentorship, and visibility. We want the young girls in the rural communities we visit to have tangible immediate connections with other young women who can inspire and motivate them across all levels of education and career development.

Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress in every society, in every family.
— Kofi Annan